Individual Submarine Boards > USS Marlin (SST-2)

A few photos of the Marlin

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I want to put up a couple of pictures of the Marlin I took last week when I was up there.  There are no bow planes on this boat and they have two wheels for controling the boat. One goes back and forth  and turns the other just turns. Thought maybe someone could tell me what the controls between them do and also there is a hammer valve to the right of the right wheel and i am not sure if it is connected to the steering or diving or to some other system. We are still trying to find plans for the Marlin, but so far haven't found any.
Viejo :D

Tom Bowser:
The controls in the center are to shift your steering control from power to hand and to set the amount of stroke the pump (wheel) makes per turn. the large valve is the negative tank flood valve.

Tom, thanks. Can you also tell me if you can choose which of these two wheels does the rudder;and if so, which control would change that? I assume the one to port does the planes as it goes back and forth, but both can turn. I have been looking at the manuals up on this site, but never know how much to assume that what is on the marlin is like what is on a regular sub. Well now that you tell me that, it says it on the valve. I never expected it to be that big. I have a picture of the trim manifold, guess I thought it would be there.

Tom Bowser:
I believe the manifold in between the wheels is rudder only from what I can read on the plaque. You can pump to=from negative from trim and drain but the gig valve is to flodd directley from sea, much faster to get down in a hurry. There should be a gig valve in control to vent negative. The flood valve is the same as our safety tank flood valves also.

Tom, thanks. I'll be writing all this down in notes. I do hope to get some of our diesel guys to come up to the boat and tell us what is what. I have finally determined after much searching, there is no ELT shack on here Wonder what they did without one? LOL


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