The how and why of GRUNION's loss is debate issue No. 1 here at COD with our NASA scientist skipper and Old Subs, among others... let me say this... the high-def video brings up more questions than it answers! Theories stand uf for about 10 minutes before some other bit of evidence sinks them! Lots of clues on the video of the wreckage telling a story that seeming contradicts itself, but only because we can't see the whole story and put the pieces together properly. My REAAAALLY uneducated guess, from what I hear from the experts, and based on what I guess from other sources: she sank herself with a torpedo that didn't explode completely or not at all, but that did catastrophic damage. It sure as hell was NOT a single 3 in. shell hit from the Kano Maru!
Too bad you guys can't be in town next week when it all comes together with the GRUNION family memorial program at COD... we would use the help, and Old Subs is gonna put on an interesting program on the loss of the boat.