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Messages - DaveyJ576

Pages: [1]

I hope you like the articles. My intent was to give the naval history enthusiast a guide on how to identify these boats. I have come across so many photos over the years, some in respectable publications, that have been badly mis-identified. I got increasingly frustrated with the situation so I decided to try to help.

The S-boats have always been a favorite of mine since I was a kid. I think I was ten years old when I read Edward Ellsberg's book On The Bottom, the story of the S-51 salvage. I was hooked and have been interested ever since.

For the Fleet Boats, I decided on starting with the Gato class first, as these boats went through some pretty remarkable changes during their lifetimes and are frequently mis-identified in photos. I then started working backwards with the Salmon/Sargos and will eventually get to the Porpoise/Shark/Perch and the V-boats. One of these days I will jump back to the Balao and Tench classes.

I am interested in any feedback you may have. My intent is to make these as accurate as possible. Thanks!

Submarine Related Chatter / Flank speed
« on: February 09, 2010, 07:34:26 PM »
Okay, I am having a major brain fart.

What was the engine/battery combination that was necessary to get a flank bell? Obviously you needed four engines on line, but I can't remember what else was needed to get to a flank bell. The battery had to be lined up differently, but was it series or parallel? Getting old sucks. Memory is the first thing to go!



Submarine Trivia / Obscure Submarine Trivia
« on: January 21, 2010, 12:19:55 PM »
Okay, here is one you may have to think about.

What was the first U.S. submarine to feature the capability of launching a ballistic missile while submerged?

Before you even get started, it is not the USS George Washington (SSBN-598)!!


Submarine Related Chatter / Deck gun ammo
« on: January 14, 2010, 08:43:06 PM »
Does anyone know what the original, as designed ammo loadout was for the 3"50 and 4"/50 guns in the Gato and Balao class boats? I know that once the war started it was plussed up considerably, but I am interested in the amount that the ammo mag under crews mess was designed to hold in the original plans.



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