Now wait a minute guys, you're both right! The cobbler cain't make barrels and the butcher will not write music... living history guys are into living history, not curation or interpretation of ships...
BTW: How often do you Batfish reenactors get slapped in the face by women who may not want to "touch, taste, and smell history?"
A good sub with a good living history group would be a unique experience ! One that I can say I've never had!
I tried to do a first-person living history program on COD many years ago (mid-1990s)... had everything down, even WWII change (coins) in my pocket!
Sadly, a couple of the numbskull subvets went apeshit over the concept of a non-submariner portraying a WWII COD captain... one dipshit (no longer a member of the "team" even suggested that he might call the cops and turn me in for "impersonating an officer!" Yea, it was that much fun at times working with some subvets (not all, by any means)... but we seemed to attract some folks at COD that had their priorities askew!
Combine thread-counters and uber-curators, and you have a time machine!
Good luck!