Author Topic: Looking for any info on 571 for our SubSim game  (Read 44812 times)

Offline Nsomnia001

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Looking for any info on 571 for our SubSim game
« on: February 06, 2015, 01:59:59 PM »
I've been posting and emailing all over I'll keep this short as im busy currently modelling the control room.

Does anyone have any links or hidden info on SSN-571 (or even 575 (Seawolf)) There is VERY little information on the internet except the museum photos and while they are great for modelling, they are impossible to understand how its all layed out, what make/model of equipment was used, and specifications.

I have basic specifications but what I'm really having a hard time finding is
1) Layout of the ship so I can model her properly ie. a side view showing the different compartments
2) Blueprints and drawings of her in general
3) More pictures, not the ones I have from Flickr of the museum ship and the few from

Heres a link to the radioroom for more info

We can discuss here, via PrivateMessage or via email at

I may be posting in some other forums since she was the first atom smasher and the fact she was built while classes like the Tang, Barracuda and even Tench class subs so she must have shared a large amount of her equipment less the propulsion system.

Any information is greatly appreciated and will gain you a credit in the game as well as spreading what I view to be important history to thousands upon thousands of people.


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Re: Looking for any info on 571 for our SubSim game
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 09:22:49 AM »
Hey Derek, you must like a real challenge.  :)  You are probably looking at the hardest museum sub to get any real info on, short of the no-pictures-allowed museum submarine U-505 in Chicago.

I may have some pictures of it as a museum submarine, I'll have to do some looking around.

Offline Nsomnia001

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Re: Looking for any info on 571 for our SubSim game
« Reply #2 on: February 10, 2015, 01:34:46 PM »
Hey Derek, you must like a real challenge.  :)  You are probably looking at the hardest museum sub to get any real info on, short of the no-pictures-allowed museum submarine U-505 in Chicago.

I may have some pictures of it as a museum submarine, I'll have to do some looking around.

Haha. Well I'm in contact with an old crew member who has been more than helpful.

I have around 500 pictures from flickr but 95% of them are from the average person who has no idea what they are really looking at.

Thank you for looking!