Author Topic: Clamagore  (Read 16980 times)

Offline Marlin

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« on: August 08, 2014, 01:45:52 PM »
I am Marlin Helms the base commander of the Smoky Mountain Submarine Veterans. We were approached by an Army Sergeant in the reserves who started an effort to bring the Clamagore to Knoxville Tennessee. His intent is that it eventually will anchor a military history museum but the primary effort is to save her from being scrapped or being used as a reef as there is company  that wants her for a reef and diving park off the FLorida coast. He is in the early stages but is sparking interest in the local municipality whom he is speaking to right now. Any help to advance his efforts would be appreciated including  liking the Facebook page to show support and passing it along.

"Almost 1,100 people have gotten posts for our page. Only 321 have LIKED us so far. Please follow up with those in your "network" to ensure they are LIKING our page and not the POSTS that are sent. We need the LIKES on our page. You can send the link to our page by copying it from the NAV bar on our FB page and pasting it into your message or post to them. When the click the link, it will bring them directly to our page.

Make it easy for everyone to help us SAVE 343!

Together we will bring Clamagore to Tennessee!"