Author Topic: ...?  (Read 20892 times)

Offline Lance Dean

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Re: ...?
« Reply #15 on: May 20, 2015, 11:52:35 PM »

Sure, most or all of these museums are non profits.  But that still impedes money getting to where it needs to be.  Any donation given to a museum goes to the museum - a board or a person or people that decide where to put the money.  From what I've seen, that leads to neglect of some things.  I know there's never enough money to go around.  Museums get new things to upkeep all the time as well.  There are very few places that have just a submarine as the main attraction, and even in those places there is deterioration running wild.

Volunteering these days, ugh.  The world we live in of liability, insurance, craziness, makes it so difficult.  Take the Drum for example.  She's open to the public 364 days a year.  Can't volunteer much during the day because visitors are present.  Can't volunteer after hours because there are no restrooms available without leaving one of the other buildings unlocked.

Offline Tom Bowser

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Re: ...?
« Reply #16 on: May 21, 2015, 05:09:52 PM »
Thanks for posting that Lanc, one day I will be able to fill in more.

Offline Mike

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Re: ...?
« Reply #17 on: December 08, 2015, 02:30:10 AM »
Oy, I was re-reading my previous post and my OCD kicked in once I spotted the typos... :)
Lance - you brought up an interesting point: "most or all of these museums are non profits"... I thought they all were. Now that I have the time to ponder over it a bit more, it is kind of like trying to conceptualize ideas like "dry snow" or "democratic socialism"... all I keep coming up with is "does not compute - insufficient data".

Managing finances for these boats seems like it could be almost a matter of playing "crisis whack-a-mole", and managing the on-site resources/time available issue as you mentioned would be yet another possible headache along with the overall scarcity of capable and consistent volunteers. All of which are individual "big issues", really... but what continues to amaze me it the devotion you all have for your respective boats. :) 
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Offline Darrin

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Re: ...?
« Reply #18 on: December 27, 2015, 06:24:02 PM »

There is a lot of things that you don't see that has happened behind closed doors and what has happened in the open.. While TVA is back onboard the Torsk things feel different from a far, I haven't been onboard her since '11 and I am too far away to volunteer on her anymore.

BTW if you are talking about the national Armor museum at Ft Benning they have a new museum director that is by far the best of the best that I have ever worked with and he will make the museum a special one to visit.

To answer you question regarding why don't more museums contribute anymore?? a lot of us have moved on and we taught what we could and can only hope that we taught enough for the future generations.

For me to re-teach the school of the boat would mean that I would have to delete the current one with all of the great answers and solutions and no offense I don't have it in me to go through that once more because you can only teach the Balao class of boats one time and there are more then just the Balao class boats out there

