General Boards > Museum Submarine Discussion

welding equipment

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Does anyone have any information on what welding equipment was aboard the submarines during WW II?  There was probably a standard Victor style gas welding torch, but was it in a kit? Which model?


There are times when an obvious question is asked and I sit back going "I never even thought of that..."

Lance Dean:
Dang Rich, I'm impressed with your vast knowledge of all things submarine, and even more with what stumps you! As Mike said, I've never even thought of that.

Since he asked this question, I have been mulling it over every time I see a picture of a sub... which is a lot, considering they constitute my desktop wallpaper and login screen.

I wish I had an answer for Rich - there is nothing more I'd like to be than a "positive contributor" to problems like this one. However, pretty much everything lead I follow ends up to a document posted by none other than Rich... and as before, my time frequently gets consumed with reading all sorts of fascinating facts about the sanitary system or starting procedures for the diesels. :D


I honestly have no idea what kind of welding equipment that they carried and honestly I can't remember what we carried on the USS Honolulu SSN 718 from '91-'94 when I was onboard her.



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