Subvets get organized?
They can't even get their act together to aid sinking sub memorials.
Sadly, what would be the point to a half-sub in the NARWHAL's case... having the forward section and nothing else? NAUTILUS is at least intact with the exception of the reactor compartment.
I would say the best thing would be to have saved one of the Polaris boats (are the dockside reactor trainers intact as far as missile compartments go? Heard not... Only the French have the jewels to display one of their Polaris type SSBNs in Cherbourg.
My negativity is based on the reality of knowing what has gone on for the last 30 years in the ship memorial business and what can be done in the public sector. We have lots of Cold War boats languishing in decrepitude... CLAMAGORE to name one! The subvets spent a crapload of money on a decapitated sail and a flower bed over a dirt ridge... that money might, IMHO, have been better spent on the CLAM.
USS DRUM almost made it to Mare Island, but the state legislators tossed in the towel and walked away from the dance only one more "rumba" from getting to home base... (at least that is what someone in the Government said. But now Mare Island historic district is in financial trouble, so what would the fate of DRUM have been? Too many of the WWII CVSs, BBs, and SSs are about to face the ugly music...
I would suggest turning your energies toward getting one of our Guppy fleet boats back from TAIWAN when they are done (soon?) with them! That is as Cold War as it gets!