Author Topic: What do you/did you do for a living?  (Read 105177 times)

Offline Lance Dean

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What do you/did you do for a living?
« on: September 11, 2008, 08:05:59 PM »
I'm putting this topic here on the New Members Introductions section because I feel it's a great "get to know me" topic.

I am VERY interested in knowing what all of you do for a living each day.  Why?  Well for one thing it helps us all to get to know each other.  More importantly, we might be able to ask more specific questions to someone's area of expertise.

So how about it?  What do you do?  If you are retired, what did you do prior to retirement?  College?  Stuff like that.

Offline Lance Dean

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2008, 08:11:52 PM »
I'll kick it off.

I went to Mississippi State University for 4.5 years.  I completed summer camp in the summer of 1998.  Passed my registered forester exam in 2000, which meant I would be a Mississippi Registered Forester upon graduation in December of 2000.  I work with my father (also a registered forester) as a forestry consultant for private landowners.  So I deal with trees.  Selling timber, doing appraisals, giving advice, that's what we do when there is work to be done.

For hobbies?  Computers, websites, helping dad with his farming stuff when I have to, and yard work.

Offline nomad66

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #2 on: September 11, 2008, 10:28:59 PM »
OK, guess I'll go 2nd.

I graduated high school in 1966. I had thought about going to college, but like a dumb kid, I was having too much fun playing around. I landed a job with Western Electric (a division of A.T.&T.). That turned out to be a 35 year career. I worked inside Telephone offices installing and testing electronic and digital switches. The work took me to many different cities and states. I retired in 2001 when the company's future started looking  pretty dim. I also was getting tired of working the midnight shift as that was the only time I could do system integration and software upgrades to the digital switches.

Hobbies include: computers, photography, hiking, all kinds of shooting (handgun, rifle and shotgun) and traveling with the RV. We have spent the last 3 winters in Texas & Arizona. This year it looks like we will be staying home. It's getting rather expensive to tow the 5th wheel around. I also try to visit any naval museum ship we are near when traveling. I just toured the Coast Guard Icebreaker Mackinac.

Scott Boland
« Last Edit: September 11, 2008, 11:48:45 PM by nomad66 »

Offline Lance Dean

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2008, 10:56:06 PM »
Hobbies include: computers, photography, hiking, all kinds of shooting (handgun, rifle and shotgun)...

:smitten: Colt pistols!

See attachment below!

Offline JTheotonio

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #4 on: September 12, 2008, 08:50:05 AM »
My story is too long.  I've been around a while and still working.  I have been working in the electric utility industry since 1971.  Mainly operating what we refer to as the bulk electric power system (grid).  In 2001 I moved from California, where I spent my entire life up to that point to New Jersey to work for the North American Electric Reliability Organization (just say NERC).  If anyone recalls a federal organization called FERC - well we are NERC - just not a federal agency.  We are private and we are the Electric Reliability Organization (ERO) that develops and enforces the reliability standards that ALL utilities must adhere to in North America, includes all of Canada and a small part of Mexico.  Go to to see what we do.

My job is now Manager of Personnel Certification.|84|286
I run a program that certifies power system operators that are the people that run the Grid on a real-time basis.  You see them every once and a while in the news where there is a big blackout. You see this job is a perfect fit with my training as a torpedoman (just kidding).

I said my job is now, because I just switched.  The person I worked with retired, and I switched from what I was doing, which was the Manager of our Continuing Education Program.  This program approves training that the above certified system operators need to maintain their credentials.  Knowing both sides made the loss of our certification manager less painful.  It will be far easier to hire a manager of continuing education than someone for certification. (don't ask why  :idiot2:)

When you combine both we have over 6,000 certified system operators, over 200 training providers, and about 10,000 approved courses.  In all we do about 1,000 unique courses delivered each quarter.  We have logged, and keep track of now over 1 million hours of training since April 1, 2006.  That was the first official day that system operators had to start using continuing education to maintain their credentials.

Side note - Besides being active in USSVI I have two Model T Fords that I drive around and care for.  Both the wife (who by the way is a certified system operator), enjoy hunting for antiques, traveling, cooking, and taking care of our house.  Our house was built in 1730's and has been completely renovated.  It has the original siding (a way to determine its age), and flooring.  We are close to several battle grounds (Trenton, Princeton, Crosswick, and Monmouth) from the Revolutionary War, so we can say for sure that George Washington did NOT sleep in our house. Sure wish I could find proof that he did though.  Our house - the Mordecai Simon’s House - is in three history books of this area.

OK - that is the short story.
From the Forward Torpedo Room


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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2008, 10:56:07 AM »
My turn I guess ???
Been on and off active duty now for 18+ years (sept 11 was my true 15 year active mark) and I started in the Navy on submarines (TM) obviously and then to the reserves as a SeaBee equipment operator and then to the Army as an Attack helicopter mechanic and then an instructor and now work for the directorate of public works. Also a single dad of a very cool and well mannered 6 year old who is the pride in my life.


Offline Rick

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2008, 12:04:27 PM »
should I post my resuem........  ;D

Ok I grew up in Wickenburg AZ and spent most of my life there on and off.  I joined the USAF after graduateing HS in 88 and served until 92.  MY MOS was Information/communications computer Systems Operations specialist (AKA  I ran the mainframe and sent and received messages on the AF message system.   After the AF I received my AA in Electronic engineering and becam a Computer Tech for several companies in AZ and CA.  My work mostly concentrated around HW.   I received my A+, MCP, and several manufacturer specific certifications.   I did this for 15 years until I became disgruntaled with the corporate mantality that is sp prevelant int he private sector.  In 2k2 I picked up a job as a 911 dispatcher for the Pinal County Sherriffs office in AZ.  I continued in this capacity for 3 years and then went to do the same job for the Mammoth PD (also in AZ).  On Jan 1 07 I arrived here in OK and took up the job of "Park Manager" for teh Muskogee War Memorial(USS Batfish).  I have been here ever since...

On the personal side.  I am a single Father of 3.  2 live with me full time and 1 with their mom full time.  In my spare time.  I work at the batfish.  Lead a den of 9 Bear scouts,  remodle my new (to me anyway) house,  and work on my model of the Creole Queen (this came with the house).  i enjoy Reading books and watching movies and TV (Usually History and SCifi related).

There is my life in a nut shell.   Lance I will be expecting my list of potential dates soon.   keep in mind they all must be female,  Like smelly old submarines and earn lots of money..........     :2funny:


Offline emeacho

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2008, 12:43:41 PM »
Grew up in Rockville, MD.  Got into the Navy in the nick of time, my draft number came up shortly thereafter. (can you say, Good Morning Viet Nam?)

Went to ET (Electronics Technician) School.  Served on a tin can (destroyer - DD-827) for a short time , then went to Nuc Power School.  Qualified as a Reactor Operator at S3G in Ballston Spa NY.  Did two years there as an instructor.  Transferred to the USS Von Steuben (SSBN-632 blue) and qualified submarines in 1976.  Did three years on her, qualifying as Reactor Technician, Aux Electrician, Electrical Operator, Reactor Operator, Throttles, Shutdown Maneuvering Area Watch (SMAW), Engineering Watch Supervisor (EWS), Shutdown Electrical Operator (SEO). Then  went to a SIMA (Shore Intermediate Maintenance Activity) and finally a Communications unit.  After the Navy I trained Instrument Techs and Operators at commercial nuclear power plants around the country and worked on power plant simulators for a number of years.  Now I am a consultant working in the packaging industry.  My biggest customer is Anheuser-Busch.

I have 8 children, 19 grandchildren, all that at the ripe young age of 55+.  I love American history, especially the history of the War of Northern Aggression (sometimes known as the Civil War).  I go camping with my grandchildren and I spend a lot of time restoring the USS Torsk.  I've done a lot of electrical restoration and I am now focusing on Radio, 1MC, and other Control Rom equipment.  I've done a lot of chipping and painting and also work topside.

Offline JTheotonio

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #8 on: September 12, 2008, 01:47:50 PM »
Transferred to the USS Von Steuben (SSBN-632 blue) and qualified submarines in 1976.

I hate to say this but I did a bit over one year on the Von Steuben (66-67).  Small world
From the Forward Torpedo Room


Offline emeacho

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #9 on: September 19, 2008, 12:36:02 PM »
I'll be.  Well you were a little before my time.  I thought it was a great boat.  Were you a part of the crew notorious for sinking Spanish barges?

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #10 on: September 19, 2008, 01:42:50 PM »
No we did nothing while I was there - left Charleston - returned to Charleston. 
From the Forward Torpedo Room


Offline JohnG

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #11 on: September 26, 2008, 03:29:29 AM »
Well my turn...

Rick graduated in 1988, i was born in '88.  ;D Old guy!

I graduated High School in 2007 with 3 certifications from IBM and A+ Certification. I did my first year of college and still deciding what to do. When I am not harassing Rick at the Museum I race competitive Motocross (dirtbikes) I do pretty good. in 8 years I have done it I have over 20 championships and 1 National Title. I do airsoft/military simulations primarily Russian. I also ghost hunt and am a avid game player. (ps3 all the way!)

I am married (Don't even get me on the can of worms  :idiot2:) and have a baby girl on the way. Now that I am excited about, as long as the mother isn't....well, you know. Sailor talk...
"If crime fighters fight crime and fire fighters fight fire, what do freedom fighters fight?" ~George Carlin

Offline JTheotonio

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #12 on: September 26, 2008, 07:31:16 AM »
I graduated High School in 2007

2007? I got more time in a "chow line" that you have been out of high school!  LOL  Let's see in 2007 our oldest "kid" was 45 and I hate to spoil your day but kids will drain you till the day you go on Eternal Patrol.

All kidding aside it's great that you have this much interest in submarines. 
From the Forward Torpedo Room


Offline Rick

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #13 on: September 28, 2008, 03:34:09 PM »

Offline Shipwreck

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Re: What do you/did you do for a living?
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2008, 04:46:08 AM »
I am a former State Police Officer and now own and operate my own business, ScriptFOLIO.  I also work in film & television, both in front of and behind the camera (crew) and am the newest volunteer as the new Public Relations & Development Director for the USS Batfish War Memorial.  I also write on occassion.

If you want to know more about ScriptFOLIO  -  as many ask me what it is, just visit my website  That will tell you all about my invention, etc.  I just updated the ABOUT portion.


Bradley Wynn
PO Box 711
Oklahoma City, OK 73101-0711
OFC/FAX:  (405) 601-1950
CELL:  (405) 833-1727

Mission Statement:   “The USS Batfish War Memorial remembers those who have served, preserves the legacy they leave behind, and educates those who come after, of lives touched by war in the fight and hope for peace.”

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