Author Topic: Reverse Engineering  (Read 12148 times)

Offline Ctwilley

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Reverse Engineering
« on: October 18, 2008, 07:49:01 PM »
This is a shameless plug for myself but I might be able to help a couple of other boats other than my own. I know that museums are not all that well funded so I'm offering my services for only the cost of the material and the wear and tear on the tracker.

I just wanted to throw this out there if anyone would like to utilize it. If you have any pieces, parts, or components that you need reverse engineered, I might be able to help. If you've priced it, just laser tracking a piece will cost you roughly $200 /hr but it's well worth it when you can't find another piece to replace the one you're dealing with. I am a certified laser tracker operator and might be able to do the same thing for any of the museum boats for a fraction of a fraction of the price. All files that you get can be read by any machine shop with computer engineering software so you're new parts will end up within .00012" of the original. It's just a thought but as you realize that you need multiple copies of something you only have one of or a copy of something that another museum has, such as those pesky "christmas tree" light covers, just let me know and we'll work something out.

I use New River Kinematics Spatial Analyzer software with a FARO X V2 laser tracker. To look at some of the companies that use this program and the projects that have been done with the SA program and the FARO tracker go to and
« Last Edit: October 18, 2008, 07:58:50 PM by Ctwilley »