Continued from below......

Still not knowing what's going on, I sees that "Gunner" Saunderson, TM3 (SS) is climbing out of the bilges. I guess he figures we wont be firing 5 and 6 for a bit. Tubes gives in way so as not to make a sound. Tubes and Gunner had been on board since commissioning so they was friends. Salvidor Ortez, steward's mate sticks his head through the water tight door and says that "Capt-e-tan sinks beeg cruszer. He's bein' quiet so Dee-stro-yo not finds us."
Tubes is all smiles and is looking over the battle flag we have painted on the detonator locker. Yep, he sakes his head with approval, we got run for her boys!
"Close all water-tight doors, rig ship for collision," comes the order over the 1MC. "And do it silently men we are sitting in the middle of a task force."
I quietly close our water-tight door. The whole gang is grinn' from ear to ear. We got most of our fish still so we just might get few more before this day is over.
No word comes down to reload 1 and 2. I'm guessin' they think we'd make too much noise. It's OK we can load a tube faster than just about anyone in this here Navy. And that ai'nt bragging, old Chief Thompson said so and he's got hash marks down to his knees.
Still drifting silently, we go through noon without any chow. Everyone on the boat is at their duty stations. We can hear active pinging a ways off. It appears that our enemy lost track of us when the Captain dove deep and made a sharp course change. I can hear screws, fast, like everywhere. Ships are searching for us but so far we seems to be clear.
Two more hours go by, so far nothing. The air is getting fowl, and the boat is gettin' pretty hot. Since we had already been submerged about 6 hours before our attack on that cruiser you can imagine what it's now like in this sewer pipe. A couple of the guys are napping, trying to stay quiet and get some rest.
The water-tight door opens and Salvidor sticks his head in again. He hands me a try of sandwiches, piled high. I guess "Grease Pot," ship's cook has been making chow for everyone and somehow relaying his goodies throughout the boat. Grease is by far one of the best cooks on boats. And these sandwiches looked so good. Tubes comes over and grabs the tray while I grab a sandwich. Salvidor slides back to Forward Battery closing the hatch as he leaves.
"Standby to answer bells, maintain quiet in all compartments, prepare to come to periscope depth, Forward Torpedo Room make ready tubes 3, 4, 5, and 6, Fire Control make ready for a Set Up. Set Torpedo depth to 10' and speed high. All hands Rig ship for depth charge attack. Helm set to come to new heading 095."
Orders were flying from the Conn. We were going to get into one hell of a fight. This one just may be our last.
"Make answer Bells for 1/3 ahead, Diving Officer make our depth 65 feet, Helm come to 095," said the Captain.
Here we go! To be continued...