Okay folks I can ID a couple of these pieces, thank god for HNSA and being on the Torsk for a while....
In the pic LaidOut6084. the first piece is of the Warhead cover for on/off loading, to the right at the base of that is a tube roller (which can be used as a lower mine table roller if needed) the long 4 pronged device is a home made after body attachment to load the weapons into the tubes. The flat pieces with threading on them may be apart of the tube drain mechanism. The busted up wooden cart is a tube dolly or cart or even called a creeper (TM's used it when cleaning the tubes) there are also pics of your weapons lashing straps now these have been kept in cosmoline packaging which tells me that they were never used and were in bench stock when the boat was decommed, the cool thing about a class of boats is that their torpedo lashing straps tend to be unique to that class and never change from the day she was built until the day she was decommed.
On Torsk our tube creeper has been on display in the tube since at least '01 with the tube cleaned and lit up so that the tourist's can see what normally only the TM's or Weapons Dept got to see.
Correy can you please send me detailed pics w/dimentions of the after body attachment so we can make one or two for the Torsk
