Author Topic: Silversides visit  (Read 60290 times)

Offline FER

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Silversides visit
« on: October 14, 2009, 05:06:07 PM »
I visited USS Silversides in late September. It's very nice. The location is rather remote, but there is plenty of signage leading to the spot, and it's pleasant enough there. It's near a fine beach, so I imagine they get good crowds in the summer. I saw evidence of excellent public outreach and programs for the community. The gift shop is well-stocked, too. :-)

When I arrived for my visit, there was a chain across the entryway to the boat, and I feared they might be closed for tours. I went inside the museum building, saw they were open, paid my fee, and the folks there explained that the tour was self-guided and I should just unhook the chain and let myself on-board. Ok... Entry near the forward hatch is unique for the submarines that I've seen. It's neither the main hatch, as on Cod, nor the more typical re-built torpedo loading hatch. You descend below the bow superstructure through a small set of stairs, step onto the pressure hull and then walk around about ten feet to a hatch that has been cut into the hull on the port side right at the back of the forward torpedo room. There's no sign explaining this, and when I first made my way down, I saw the closed hatch in front of me and wondered if I was expected to open that myself to go below! I'll attach a photo of the view from here. By the way, is there a name for this large open area in the bow between the pressure hull and superstructure?

The interior of the sub is in very good shape. I had the sub all to myself for the duration of my half-hour exploration and had plenty of time to experience the "ambience" of the old vessel. The exterior seems to be in good condition, too. The paint looks good, and the presentation is good. There's a lot of algae growing below the waterline but I imagine it's relatively harmless, and it keeps a small flock of ducks happy picking away at it for their breakfast.

PS: So... there are museum subs in Muskegon and Muskogee. I smell a rat... a muskrat.

Offline Lance Dean

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Re: Silversides visit
« Reply #1 on: October 14, 2009, 11:38:29 PM »
I definitely want to visit the Silversides someday.  Thanks for sharing your experience!

Offline JTheotonio

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Re: Silversides visit
« Reply #2 on: October 15, 2009, 08:21:22 AM »
The area between the superstructure and pressure hull is called  :crazy2: space  :crazy2: - well I'm sure it may have an official name because everything in the Navy has an official name.  The space is used for storage many times.  We stored our gangway and the stanchions we would put up after tying up along aside a pier.  Most boats will have metal boxes (lockers) down there to keep all of the mooring lines.  Space inside a submarine is limited so all the topside ladders, gangway, lines, and cable life lines are stored under the superstructure.  Up forward is also the chain locker and anchor handling gear - not to mention the anchor itself.  (see attached picture).

I'll have to see if anyone else comes up with a better name than "space."
From the Forward Torpedo Room


Offline Mark Sarsfield

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Re: Silversides visit
« Reply #3 on: October 16, 2009, 09:17:47 AM »
Are they having visitors descend into the FTR via the escape trunk?  Based on the photo that looks like what they've done.

Mark Sarsfield
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Offline croesch

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Re: Silversides visit
« Reply #4 on: February 07, 2010, 07:55:13 PM »
Thanks for visiting our boat.  Glad you enjoyed your visit.  If any of you submarine enthusiasts plan a visit, let me know and I'll try to arrange to open the conning tower, pump room, lower engine flats, and electric motor room.  Most everything is intact.

Charley Roesch

Offline Fred Tannenbaum

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Re: Silversides visit
« Reply #5 on: June 15, 2010, 04:06:02 PM »
@ Mark S.

I just saw your question about visitor entry and am sorry to be late in catching up. As you may know, I do not represent the Silversides here but am rather familiar with it and its history.

The Silversides entry into her forward torpedo room is through an opening cut into the pressure hull on the upper port side. While this necessitated the removal of the sonar gear, the overhead has not been penetrated and the compartment largely whole.

Of course, nothing beats the entry and exit from the Cod, IMHO!

Offline nomad66

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Re: Silversides visit
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2014, 01:15:39 PM »
I have toured the USS Silversides a number of times before the new museum building was erected. I will have to get back up there to see the changes.