Batfish has a Hobart A-120 mixer... The 120 means it is a 12-quart capapcity. They are built like tanks and last for 70 years on average, which means they can be found used in used restaurant shops. Look for one that is burned out, unless you're making a cake! Don't be fooled by the most popular model, the A-200 (yup, 20-quart). These were used aboard more modern subs (nukes of much later vintage). The A-120 can be found in many small restaurants and bakeries. In the bakery, they're gonna be used for mixing frostings and such, since they use A-400 or A-600 models for dough. Look for bolt holes in your galley shelf, also look for the wire basket whip and dough hook. All of these are available used!
The USN used two models of coffee makers, ours is a Joseph Colonna (Sp?)... Rick Pekelney is the expert on coffee makers. Also you will need either of two models of deep fryers (one is a Wells co. model)...
Don't under estimate the importance of a restored galley! People are most impressed with stuff they can relate to... like the galley. It really is a big, big step in making the boat look alive and authentic!