Sorry, I forgot, USS COBIA has lots of spare room in the torpedo room main deck and the strongback will not be in the way (

)... besides, Wisconsin gals can toss 250-lb steel objects around like they're made of Styrofoam, yes?
And Darrin... look here pal, if the boat isn't going to be slinging fish at Marus anytime soon, those damn torpedo bilges are FINE storage areas for picnic supplies (OK we removed most of ours recently), PA systems (again, too much banging of electronics hauling it topside so we removed that too), and giftshop teeshirts (now that is fine)!!! If I get my hands on a certain barnacle-encrusted torpedoman I will store parts of HIM in the forward torpedo room!!! And the rest of the carcass in the afterbattery well!!!

Carry on... that is all...