Author Topic: Memorial Day ceremony  (Read 14192 times)

Offline joeyt

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Memorial Day ceremony
« on: May 12, 2010, 01:37:38 AM »
On the Sunday of memorial day weekend the New Jersey Naval Museum will be holding a ceremony, with a key note speaker, free food, and discounted tours.  the last two years we've had several jeeps and trucks roll up for the ceremony, and it is always an awesome experience.  plus I will be giving tours, and i must say, i give a pretty dam good tour
Young blood for an old sub

Offline Paul Farace

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Re: Memorial Day ceremony
« Reply #1 on: May 14, 2010, 11:44:47 AM »
So you think you give a pretty good tour eh, tenderfoot?  Well I'm a callin you out fer a six-gun sub tour showdown on mainstreet at noon!  >:(

Be prepared to slap leather and no sheriff is a gonna stop us!   (waaaa waaaa whaaaaaa -- music from "The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly").


USS COD hosts several groups for Memorial Day and it is always interesting. If only I had a Lear Jet, I'd fly over to Ling for you event and check out that tour!   Good luck!

-- Paul Farace
COD curator, and sub tour geek for 34 years (still learnin stuff about the boats)
Johnny Cash's third cousin, twice removed