Offline SOB

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« on: April 14, 2011, 05:02:37 AM »
Thanks to Rich Pekelney's efforts, we are slowly but surely getting our series of manuals uploaded to the PAMPANITO website. Presently, the Volunteer Manual is available at


Next up will be the reballasting manual - which boats still in the water will hopefully find useful.

The long-awaited and even longer-overdue engine operating manual [FM-38D-1/8X10] is just about ready after an agonizing series of edits as we continue to discover and restore dumbshitalts that got plugged in over the years. We still haven't solved the CFOT - engine-attached fuel oil pump line blockage but can run using the priming pump. I learned today from another long-term volunteer that the obstruction question has persisted for many years.

After the engine operating manual gets posted, we'll be putting a hydraulic system manual together -- Jim Kyser, Harry Nystrom, and I have been wrestling that system and can now raise scopes, etc. with the accumulator in the circuit. That system drawing package is accurate but cluttered and needs to be cleaned up.

Jim Kyser and team have stripped a HPAC down to parade rest and are in the process of rebuilding it from the bottom-up. Fortunately, Jim located original rings for all 4 stages and is in the process of removing the old ones and cleaning the grooves. Beastly task to say the least. Kevin Petersen and John Zulauf are growing hernias with heavy labor and are currently beginning to scrape in the main and thrust bearings.

Finally, the PAMPANITO Committee has started publishing a newsletter that is an adaptation of the regular report we submit to the Board of Trustees. The second issue is in preparation and will be available for E-mail distribution. Once we get our distribution system set up, I'll post a followup here so anyone interested in getting on the distribution list can sign up - and request a copy of the first report as well. They will also give updates on literally dozens of restoration tasks Rich Pekelney is spearheading, ranging from reinstallation of the WWII IFF equipment, diving stand clinometers -- those of you who know Rich can well appreciate his skills and zeal.


« Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 05:13:30 AM by SOB »