Author Topic: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help  (Read 14183 times)

Offline Karen D.

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Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« on: July 06, 2010, 03:30:35 PM »
Would anyone want to go for a ride in this sub? I don't think I'd trust it! Interesting story though...

Offline BrokenArrowtiger

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Re: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2010, 05:26:59 PM »
I looked at those pictures it looks like the submarine it self was well built for being in the jungles though iit wouldnt have got very far into smuggling cocaine more then likely it would get picked up pretty quickly on radar it almost looks like the USS ALBACORE with the hull shape on it
I am a fan of the batfish and the U-505 i have been interested in world war 2 since i was little my dad and his father and my dads fathers mother served in wars i am interested in the Submarine war of world war 2 and someday i want to be a marine archaeologist and or a world war 2 historian

Offline Rick

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Re: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« Reply #2 on: July 07, 2010, 04:38:56 PM »
I have heard of thse things....   To call them submaines is almost laughable. They are 1 and 2 man boats and skim just under the surface with a small view port above the water.  Remember these people do not have the soficticated radar and sonar systms the Navy has.  Keep in mind that the objective here is evasion.   You do not have to worry too much until you leave international waters and enter into US Teratory.   Only then cna the Coasties come and pick you up, If htey can catch you.....

Offline BrokenArrowtiger

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Re: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« Reply #3 on: July 07, 2010, 05:07:10 PM »
You would think the boats that big would just ground on the mud or something as more i look at those pictures i do agree with Rick its really pretty small as far length goes
I am a fan of the batfish and the U-505 i have been interested in world war 2 since i was little my dad and his father and my dads fathers mother served in wars i am interested in the Submarine war of world war 2 and someday i want to be a marine archaeologist and or a world war 2 historian

Offline Ctwilley

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Re: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2010, 12:56:34 PM »
In essence, it's a lower cost version of a Japanese migit sub.

Offline Darrin

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Re: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2010, 06:01:56 PM »
These "submarines" are just that....... submersible ships, while not registered nor can the dive very deep they are still considered submirsible vessels so they fall into the "submarine" catagory. From what I understand is the "crew" gets paid a HUGE amount of money to bring the drugs into the US and if they get caught they are supposed to sink the vessel prior to capture and hope that they get released from where ever they got caught from eventually.

Side note: early US Navy Submarines were labeled Submersible Ships and NOT submarines. Now with that being said, wouldn't today's submarines be listed as NS's instead of SSN's  :2funny:    Now for another side note there WAS a ship labled as NS and that was the NS Savannah (NS Nuclear Ship) was a NUKULEAR Cargo vessel that was a thorn in Rickovers side along with the Nuclear Propulsion board or so I have heard. The NS Savannah is currently resting in the harbor in Baltimore, Md awaiting a home. It was here in Newport News, Va for many years in the James River Reserve Fleet (JRRF) and I had the honor to walk her decks 5 or so years ago on a mini strip ship. Even though her reactor had been removed many moons ago you could still smell the atmosphere of a nuclear ship (for those that did not ride SSN's there was a unique smell due to the O2 generation equipment and other odds and ends associated with it)

Would I ride one of those things??? heck no, would I build a submersible?? HMMMMmmmmmm maybe if'n I had the money because the Navy won't let me buy a WWII boat that still can submerge and come back up on it's own without a LOT of help.. Not sayin that Paul's beloved USS Cod couldn't do that (probably could) because she still has ALL of her hatches intact which very few musuem boats can brag about.


Offline BrokenArrowtiger

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Re: Submarine Seized In Ecuador With DEA’s Help
« Reply #6 on: September 13, 2010, 10:36:17 PM »
So thats how the Sub worked! still though you probley had to have pretty smart guy to even design and build the thing what did they do with the sub anyway?
I am a fan of the batfish and the U-505 i have been interested in world war 2 since i was little my dad and his father and my dads fathers mother served in wars i am interested in the Submarine war of world war 2 and someday i want to be a marine archaeologist and or a world war 2 historian