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  • USSVI 2008 Convention: September 01, 2008 - September 07, 2008

Author Topic: USSVI MEETING FT WORTH  (Read 39623 times)

Offline Rick

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« Reply #15 on: May 22, 2008, 12:20:09 PM »
Show the one with the female reporter.  The guy is kind of a dork in the other one.
Mark s
I need a little bit of clairification here.   I think you are talking about the OklaTravelnet reports.  If so,  Which Dork are we talking about here.  The one holding the Microphone or the strikingly handsom babe magnete with the Batfish T-shirt..    Be honest now,  this will determine my next course of action......

Offline Viejo

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« Reply #16 on: May 22, 2008, 12:40:51 PM »
What time you are there and what time you can spend with the display is entirely up to you. We will appreciate any and all you can arrange and will answer what questions we can when others aren't around. It is being done as a service to the museum boats, not as another responsiibiility for them to take on. I'll be asking later on in the middle of the summer, so I can have an idea of who can come and when, but don't feel you have to do this or that. We just appreciate all that you do during the year and we want to help and this is one way an internet base can do so. And please send me any videos, etc that you have to add to my museum boats files. Dorks or girls, doesn't matter which. LOL
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Offline Mark Sarsfield

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« Reply #17 on: May 22, 2008, 01:13:00 PM »
The first Ok Travel Video has the reporter-ette doing most of the talking.  I know that you get interviewed, but that's not what I'm referring to.  The second video has this reporter guy trying to ham it up and it doesn't seem to be very professional.  If you have a choice, show the info babe. :)

Mark Sarsfield
USS Batfish reenactor

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Offline Rick

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« Reply #18 on: May 22, 2008, 04:38:46 PM »
Just checkin' ;D

I know how you old sea dogs get after 2 months of sea, so I did nto take it too seriously..... :angel:

Offline Darrin

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« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2008, 10:03:04 PM »
 the person to talk to about video and museum submarines is former LT Ken Johnson, he is apart of the K-17 which the Army and the Navy are trying to raise right now, ken also happens to be a member of the International Submariners Association. He has documented a lot of members who have served and his video's are in the Smithsonian and for me it is a kicker because not only is Ken a shipmate of mine from Torsk, but he also sailed with my uncle on the USS Sea Owl (SS-405). When I went to the Sea Owl bbs a while ago I mentioned my uncles name and Ken was the first to respond and two years ago he showed up for his first work weekend on Torsk and has been back for the last two years working his butt off and showing video's and holding movie marathon's just like we used to on the boats. While we some of us can say that our boats are in disrepair Ken can truly say that because his is on the bottom in Providence, RI and he was the last Duty Officer before she sank.. And to answer your question before you ask it.... Yes he did everything right and he begged to get back onboard before she sank so he could keep her from sinking but was denied by the Coast Guard because they felt that she was unsafe at that point (about 6 hours after she started taking on water and had a wicked port list) Could Ken have saved her??? probably but we will never know and he has questioned that for the last year and change and until she is raised will never feel justified or safe with the knowledge that he did everything that was required to secure her for the night.. Ken's website is and I am going to send him a link to here very shortly and see if he wants to come and play.


Offline Lance Dean

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« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2008, 08:02:58 PM »
The meeting is less than a couple of months away!  Anyone have any pictures of anything to share?

Offline Rick

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« Reply #21 on: July 05, 2008, 09:57:49 AM »
The meeting is less than a couple of months away!  Anyone have any pictures of anything to share?

I think this needs a revisit.   The Batfish is still trying to gain funding  I am trying to be very politica in picking my team to go.   I have on that is chomping at th bit to go, but I do not want him down there.    Darn the delemas.......

Anyho.   Can we get an update on what we need.  I have a great video that was produced for the subvets about the Batfish.   I am still unclear on the forum.  what kind of equipment.   Do we have any additions or changes to the plan?

Help a zoomie out here..     

Offline Viejo

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« Reply #22 on: July 07, 2008, 12:29:58 AM »
Guys, hadn't checked this in awhile.  We will have a computer and some type of monitor. We also can use pictures on the tables. Lance is now gathering pictures, movies, and info and will be putting it on a DVD. that we can play there.  I would imagine that when someone from a boat is there, we'll go to that boat and let them basically talk to people and give a tour. You guys are the experts in what works, so we are just there to help get the word out.  Any forms, information, donation blanks, anything like that, please send to me or to Lance.  I'd appreciate any ideas of what you guys figure will work the best. I willl have POH patches and if any of you have rockers and patches you want to sell while there, bring them along. I am also going to be trying to contact some of the boats that haven't checked in yet. There is always someone who knows someone on a boat; so I'll be looking for them. 
Let me know what you think and we'll try and do it.
Viejo :D
Oh yeah, Darrin get your application in for LIB before the price goes up. LOL
“Keep the memory of the USS Scorpion SSN-589 and its crew alive"

Offline Darrin

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« Reply #23 on: July 07, 2008, 09:22:37 AM »
Yes Bill, Sorry Bill, Will Do Bill     ;)

Offline Rick

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« Reply #24 on: July 07, 2008, 11:12:39 AM »
Good idea on the patches.  This may be a good way to help pay for our trip down.   I also may be able to provide som tour guides.  We are redoing ours come this fall and I have a lot of older ones that I am trying to off load now.   Check back with me and I will get you what I can.


Offline Tom Bowser

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« Reply #25 on: July 07, 2008, 04:34:55 PM »
Are you getting rid of printed material or people? :2funny: Be nice to old people
Tom Bowser

Offline Rick

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« Reply #26 on: July 08, 2008, 08:40:29 PM »
Just printed material.   The old people,  we just stuff them in a balast tank somewhere....... :2funny:

Offline Lance Dean

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« Reply #27 on: August 11, 2008, 03:38:44 PM »
This is the final call for your stuff that you want at the convention!

Bill Lee will need your handouts, photos, brochures, information, where to send donations, etc sent to him ASAP.  Anything you want to be on that display table about museum boats will have to be sent to him very soon!

Offline Viejo

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« Reply #28 on: August 11, 2008, 07:26:08 PM »
Or if you are coming, bring them with you, but I would like to know where to tell people to send money and so forth.
“Keep the memory of the USS Scorpion SSN-589 and its crew alive"

Offline Viejo

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« Reply #29 on: August 12, 2008, 09:43:36 PM »
Anyone who is coming to the Convention and wants to bring their own stuff, that is fine.  I will be bringing a computer with a DVD player and a monitor. If anyone has things on WMV or some other format, they could email it, zip it, or usendit to me and I will put it into the computer to be able to show.
If you need to snail maiil anything to me, the address is I'll be leaving on the 31st, so it needs to get there by the 30th. Usually takes about 4 days to get to my house from a lot of places in the country.
William Lee
315 W. Main St.
IA 51632
I will have electricity, so if you have special equipment you would want to use, we'll be able to plug  it in.

“Keep the memory of the USS Scorpion SSN-589 and its crew alive"