As my family were departing from the Museum on WPAFB I got to see the motley crew from the USS COD, when asked where our beloved Paul Farace was I was informed that he could no longer hold his stomach down and had to FEEED it

it seems sadly I missed Paul by a few feet as we must have passed each other. I did however introduce myself as a Torsk bandit but no name was given to protect the innocent/guilty parties that may or may not have been in Ohio for other plans

Now for those whom have never seen the crew from the USS COD go out to a function or to an outing they go out wearing their ball caps and jackets, there is NO mistaking where they are from, my only question is did they try to remove anything from the AFB museum???
Sorry Paul I couldn't find your number to call you so we could catch up real quick before we left, hope you all had a good time