Author Topic: I am giving the COD crew some advanced warning this year  (Read 16208 times)

Offline Darrin

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I am giving the COD crew some advanced warning this year
« on: August 03, 2011, 10:09:31 PM »

You may or may not have to instruct and prepare your crew on how to properly repel borders or alert the State Troopers that an unknown pickup may or may not be leaving the COD parking lot a HELL of a lot lower than when it got there :2funny: :2funny:

because it looks like I should be in Ohio during Thanksgiving this year with NOTHING to do and maybe if I ask nicely and say pretty please and cooridinate it this time can you please fire up one of those main engines, i haven't stood in a submarine with a running diesel since '94.. let alone a WWII diesel boat with their main's running :smitten:

IF not than welll......................  :coolsmiley: