For a time during the war periscope heads were painted pink... it's been mentioned in some of the literature. The bellies of some aircraft were also painted pink for the same reason. From what I understand, it was a commonly held belief (not scientifically tested) that the human eye couldn't detect pink at great ranges (something about red blood cells I think)... anyway, it was discovered to be not true. The Navy later in the war adpoted the gray tube with black splotches we use today. When I made the periscope display I thought I'd grab the visitor's attention with the story of pink periscopes. Remember, there is some elemeent of education as well as entertainment in what we do!

And besides, all those queers from REQUIN, TORSK, BECUNA, BATFISH, and SILVERSIDES just love the color pink!
........ hauling ass for verrrrry deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep water!