Author Topic: New Military Museum forming  (Read 10222 times)

Offline woof

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New Military Museum forming
« on: June 05, 2010, 09:35:53 AM »
I am a new member of the forum. I am the base commander of Barb Base USSVI Cape Coral Fl. We have been asked to help with the planning of a 34000 square foot military museum and headquarters for the Veterans Foundation in Cape Coral. A good percentage will be devoted to submarines. I could use any suggestions to sources of submarine material. The holy grail would be a torpedo. Any help staring a museum would be appreciated. Strange as it sounds, money is not the big issue. Thanks in advance.
USS Carp & Cubera
« Last Edit: June 05, 2010, 09:48:16 AM by woof »

Offline Tom Bowser

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Re: New Military Museum forming
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2010, 10:02:41 AM »
The main thing to remember is to catalog every thing you get, what it is where it came from, who it came from and any other info. We may have some submarine items we can send once you are close to setting up the displays. We have a flag and commissioning pennet that flew from a sub in WWII. Unfortunately the Battleship Park staff lost the info of what boat it was on. They do a good job of that. We also have lots of specialty tools.

Offline Rick

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Re: New Military Museum forming
« Reply #2 on: June 06, 2010, 02:07:50 PM »
Tom hit it on the head.  Docment, Document, Document,   and if I did not mentionit yet Document......

Coming from a position of restarting a museum.  nothing is more furstrating then comming into a museum and asking were something is and finding out that no one knows.   Fruther more, be very detailed on your documentions.  Once I did find a hand written log at the BF,  I found entries stationg that a certaon individuald donated 1 sailor uniform.  The person that made this entry did not even take time to try and identify which of the 50+ uniforms it was......

i would recomend steeing up a database to track this information.  We are going to start with PastPerfect this year.  This will help your tracking endevore as well. 

Also when you start taking artifacts in,  be sure to make your contributor specify if it is a donation or loan and explain the difference.  This will solve the problem of people comming back and reclaiming items that were given to the museum.....

Remember.  We may be non profit,  but we are still a bissness.

Offline woof

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Re: New Military Museum forming
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2010, 10:16:12 AM »
Thanks for the good advise. I'll keep everyone informed on our progress. Woof

Offline BrokenArrowtiger

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Re: New Military Museum forming
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2010, 12:18:47 PM »
good luck sir
I am a fan of the batfish and the U-505 i have been interested in world war 2 since i was little my dad and his father and my dads fathers mother served in wars i am interested in the Submarine war of world war 2 and someday i want to be a marine archaeologist and or a world war 2 historian